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How old is your dog?

Pre-Puppy preview image


What’s better than puppies? That’s right: your own puppy. So, what do you need to know before you take the plunge into pet parenthood?

0-2 months
0-2 months preview image

0-2 months

Welcome to the world little one. It’s all grow-grow-grow for your puppy right now, so there’s many things to prepare.

2-3 months
2-3 months preview image

2-3 months

Your puppy is ready to come home and turn your world upside down. It’s time to put your preparation into practice – and remember to take it all in!

3-6 months
3-6 months preview image

3-6 months

You’re entering a period of immense growth, lots of learning and new adventures. Bring on the play date with the big wide world!

6-12 months
6-12 months preview image

6-12 months

Your fur-baby is nearing adulthood. Can you see their grown self coming through? Sigh…they grow up so fast, don’t they?

12-18 months
12-18 months preview image

12-18 months

Your puppy has turned one and they might not be so little anymore. Make sure to book their first annual check-up.

18 months - 3 years
18 months - 3 years preview image

18 months - 3 years

Your dog is one an established family member now. Enjoy who they have become and the bond you now share at this special stage.

3 - 8 years
3 - 8 years preview image

3 - 8 years

Your dog is a full-grown adult now. They understand where their place is in your home and the wider world.

8+ years
8+ years preview image

8+ years

Just like many senior citizens, senior dogs have some extra needs. Learn to look after your best friend and support their health as they grow older.

Choosing the Right Puppy School or Trainer: A Comprehensive Guide

Dr Ada Siu profile picture

Dr Ada Siu

BVSc from University of Sydney

Starting at an animal practice in Canberra after graduation, Dr Ada Siu has since worked in a 24-hour emergency service in Western Sydney as well as in a PETstock clinic in North Western Sydney. Like all good vets, Dr Ada Siu joined the profession to help animals.

Choosing the Right Puppy School or Trainer: A Comprehensive Guide

Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting and joyful experience. However, it also comes with the responsibility of providing proper training and socialisation to ensure your furry friend grows up to be a well-behaved and happy companion. Selecting the right puppy school or trainer in Australia is crucial for setting a solid foundation for your puppy's development.

In this article, we will explore essential factors to consider when making this important decision.

1. Credentials and Experience

When choosing a puppy school or trainer, it's vital to evaluate their credentials and experience. Look for trainers who are certified by reputable organisations, such as the the Delta Institute or the Association of Pet Dog Trainers Australia (APDT). These certifications indicate that the trainer has undergone extensive education and follows ethical training practices.
Additionally, consider the trainer's experience working with puppies specifically. Puppies have unique needs and require trainers who understand their developmental stages, behavioural patterns, and positive reinforcement techniques suitable for their age. Experienced trainers will have a proven track record of successfully working with puppies and can adapt their training methods to suit individual temperaments and learning styles.

2. Positive Reinforcement Training

Positive reinforcement training is widely recognised as the most effective and humane approach to puppy training. Ensure that the puppy school or trainer you choose employs positive reinforcement and force-free training techniques, which involve rewarding desired behaviours rather than using punishment or force. This approach encourages puppies to learn and cooperate willingly, creating a strong bond of trust between you and your furry companion.

Ask potential trainers about their training philosophy and methods. Inquire about how they handle common puppy challenges such as housebreaking, chewing, and socialisation. Look for trainers who emphasise reward-based training, using treats, toys, and praise to motivate and reinforce good behaviour. Avoid trainers who rely on outdated dominance-based techniques that involve physical punishment or intimidation.

For more information on punishment-based training or dominance behaviour in dogs, visit below articles by the Dog Welfare Campaign:

3. Socialisation Opportunities

Socialisation is a crucial aspect of puppy training, as it helps them develop into well-adjusted and confident adult dogs. While most of socialisation happens in your puppy’s day to day life, a reputable puppy school or trainer should prioritise providing well-designed, controlled socialisation opportunities. Inquire about the classes or programs they offer to expose your puppy to various environments, activities, people, other dogs and animals.

Ideally, the puppy school should have controlled and supervised play sessions, allowing puppies to interact and learn appropriate social skills. They should also incorporate exposure to common stimuli, such as different sounds, textures, and situations. Socialisation experiences should be positive and carefully managed to prevent overwhelming or traumatic experiences for your puppy.

4. Class Size and Instructor-to-Fur-Student Ratio

Consider the class size and instructor-to-student ratio when selecting a puppy school or trainer. Smaller class sizes allow trainers to provide individual attention and address the specific needs of each puppy and their owner. This personalised approach ensures that training is tailored to your puppy's progress and enables you to receive hands-on guidance from the instructor.

Ideally, the instructor-to-student ratio should be low. This ensures that the instructor can monitor and manage the class effectively, preventing any safety concerns and allowing for a more focused and productive learning environment.

5. Client Testimonials and Reviews

One of the best ways to gauge the reputation and effectiveness of a puppy school or trainer is by reading client testimonials and reviews. Search for online reviews, visit their website, or ask for references from previous clients. Positive feedback from satisfied puppy owners indicates that the school or trainer has consistently delivered quality training and achieved positive results.

Pay attention to specific aspects mentioned in the testimonials, such as the trainer's professionalism, effectiveness of training methods, and the overall experience of both the puppies and their owners.

Choosing the right puppy school or trainer is essential for laying a strong foundation for your furry friend's development. Consider factors such as credentials, experience, positive reinforcement techniques, socialisation opportunities, class size, and client testimonials. By investing time and effort into finding the right professional, you are setting your puppy up for a lifetime of happiness, good behaviour, and a deep bond with you and your family.

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