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How old is your dog?

Pre-Puppy preview image


What’s better than puppies? That’s right: your own puppy. So, what do you need to know before you take the plunge into pet parenthood?

0-2 months
0-2 months preview image

0-2 months

Welcome to the world little one. It’s all grow-grow-grow for your puppy right now, so there’s many things to prepare.

2-3 months
2-3 months preview image

2-3 months

Your puppy is ready to come home and turn your world upside down. It’s time to put your preparation into practice – and remember to take it all in!

3-6 months
3-6 months preview image

3-6 months

You’re entering a period of immense growth, lots of learning and new adventures. Bring on the play date with the big wide world!

6-12 months
6-12 months preview image

6-12 months

Your fur-baby is nearing adulthood. Can you see their grown self coming through? Sigh…they grow up so fast, don’t they?

12-18 months
12-18 months preview image

12-18 months

Your puppy has turned one and they might not be so little anymore. Make sure to book their first annual check-up.

18 months - 3 years
18 months - 3 years preview image

18 months - 3 years

Your dog is one an established family member now. Enjoy who they have become and the bond you now share at this special stage.

3 - 8 years
3 - 8 years preview image

3 - 8 years

Your dog is a full-grown adult now. They understand where their place is in your home and the wider world.

8+ years
8+ years preview image

8+ years

Just like many senior citizens, senior dogs have some extra needs. Learn to look after your best friend and support their health as they grow older.

Training for Good Grooming Behaviour

Dr Kate Mornement - Pet Behaviourist profile picture

Dr Kate Mornement - Pet Behaviourist

PhD in Companion Animal Behaviour, BSc(Hons) in Zoology

Dr Kate Mornement is an Applied Animal Behaviourist, Consultant and Educator to pet parents, industry, government and media. She has a PhD which focused on companion animal behaviour from Monash University and a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Zoology (Animal Behaviour) from La Trobe University.

Training for Good Grooming Behaviour

Proper grooming is important for all dogs but especially those with high maintenance or long coats. Unfortunately, going to the groomer can be a stressful experience for some dogs, making grooming very difficult.

So why is it that some dogs don’t like going to the groomer and how can we teach them good grooming behaviour?

Why do some dogs hate going to the groomer?

While many dogs don’t mind a trip to the groomer, some dogs can become fearful, anxious and even aggressive at the groomer. But why is this so? There are several reasons why a dog might not enjoy going to the groomer. These include:

  • Previous bad experiences at the groomer. For example, if a previous groomer was too rough or accidently hurt or frightened the dog.
  • Never been to the groomer before. Dogs fear the unknown. It’s a survival instinct. Going to the groomer can be scary for dogs who’ve never been before because it’s a new environment, an unfamiliar person, and the dog is being handled in a way they are probably not used to.
  • Separation anxiety. If your dog has separation anxiety, going to the groomer can be a very stressful experience and may exacerbate their separation anxiety.

Dogs who are scared at the groomers can be very difficult to groom and may show aggression towards the groomer in an attempt to make them stop or move away. This can be dangerous for the groomer but also detrimental for dogs who need their coats maintained for optimal welfare.

The good news is that, with some training, treats, management and kindness, all dogs can be taught to enjoy (or at least tolerate) going to the groomer.

How to train your dog for good grooming behaviour

You can train your dog to both enjoy going to the groomer and to encourage good grooming behaviour, such as staying calm and still when being groomed. Training your dog to be comfortable at the groomers should begin when they’re a puppy as soon as you bring them home.

This training should start with teaching your puppy to enjoy being handled and gently brushed.

The idea is to build a positive association with handling and grooming over time. This foundation of positive experiences will result in a dog who is more comfortable with grooming when they go for their first appointment at the groomers. It’s also important to maintain a positive association with visiting the groomer. Groomers who use treats, praise and attention during the grooming process help maintain this positive association and create dogs who enjoy going to them.

The same process can be used for older or adopted dogs who are visiting the groomer for the first time.

First, work on gradually building a positive association with handling and grooming at home.

Then, progress to building and maintaining this positive association at the groomers.

How to choose the right groomer for your dog

When choosing a groomer for your dog it’s important to select one who is knowledgeable about behaviour and kind and understanding when it comes to dogs who are fearful or anxious. Choose a groomer who is willing to take their time with your dog, reassure them and ensure your dog has a positive experience during the grooming process.

A groomer who is willing to take things slowly and incorporate lots of treats during the grooming process will help build a positive association with being groomed for your dog over time.

Some groomers are less concerned how their canine clients feel and are more inclined to rush them through the grooming process. This can maintain or even exacerbate fear or anxiety associated with going to the groomer. These groomers should be avoided if your dog is fearful/anxious or avoidant when it comes to going to the groomer.

You’ll be able to get a feel for whether or not a groomer is suitable for your dog by asking lots of questions about how they manage and help dogs who are scared, unsure or anxious and by visiting their grooming salon.

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