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Cat Playing vs Fighting
How can you tell if your cats are playing or fighting? Here’s how cat lover Sam Allemann decides.
How to Introduce your Cat to a New Cat
Some tips from a cat owner, on the best way to introduce cats to each other.
Tips for Bringing Home a New Kitten
Tips for bringing home and settling in your new kitten.
How to Give your Pet a Pill
Pill-taking can be very stressful for both pets and their owners.
What are the benefits of having a pet?
How does having a furry friend manage to give us such a boost?
Vetiquette: 10 dos and don’ts of Vet Visits
10 tips for making the pet vet visit easy.
How to Train a Cat
Believe it or not, cats can actually be trained.
It’s time to hang up the winter overcoat.
Moulting, hairballs, and that beautiful stuff.